Tollgate Billboards

In redefining outdoor advertising, particularly highway road advertising, double-sided billboards strategically placed. As Dave Hickey said, “Beauty is and always will be blue skies and open highway,” emphasizing the unique appeal and effectiveness of this advertising approach.

Double-sided billboards strategically placed before and after tollgates along regional roads in Zimbabwe offer numerous advantages for businesses. Firstly, they allow for more geographically targeted marketing compared to other forms of advertising.

Positioned in locations where they are most likely to be seen, these billboards provide businesses with maximum exposure, reaching a broad and diverse audience. Additionally, their large display area and straightforward messaging ensure that consumers can easily decipher the message, prompting quick understanding and action.

Moreover, these billboards are adept at fulfilling consumers’ need for multiple exposures to a brand or message, particularly for motorists who encounter them daily on their commute. This repetition not only increases brand awareness but also influences purchase decisions over time, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

By capitalizing on their strategic placement and adaptability to consumers’ needs, these billboards provide businesses with a powerful tool to drive brand visibility, engagement, and ultimately, business success.

Benefits of Distance Markers

Geographically Targeted Marketing

These billboards offer localized marketing opportunities, allowing businesses to tailor messages to specific regions and demographics, enhancing relevance and engagement.

Straightforward Messaging

With ample space and clear visibility, these billboards effectively communicate concise messages, capturing motorists’ attention and prompting quick understanding and action.

Broad and Diverse Audience Reach

Positioned strategically before and after tollgates, these billboards reach a wide range of audiences, including commuters, travelers, tourists, and locals, maximizing exposure and potential customer acquisition.

Maximum Exposure for Businesses

Prominently placed and visible, these billboards provide continuous exposure, reinforcing brand presence and driving consumer engagement, ultimately leading to increased conversion rates and revenue.

Adaptable to Consumers' Needs for Multiple "Touches"

By repeatedly exposing motorists to the same message, these billboards reinforce brand awareness and influence purchase decisions over time, nurturing leads and building long-term brand loyalty and success.